Horizontal Directional Rock Drilling & Boring Adelaide,South Australia

Pre- Reaming – Second Stage of HDD –

Horizontal Directional Drilling Companies

In pre-reaming of pilot hole, the operator has to execute the entire process considering safety parameters in mind. This stage involves pre-reaming of the hole and then, enlarge to a certain size that the product lines can safely be installed. After that, the reamer gets pulled back as well as rotated and at the same time, it keeps pumping the fluid to remove and cut solids for growing the hole size. The speeds of usually vary based on the soil conditions as well as the cuttings amount which are removed.

For making the hole stable and clean, the operator then uses a variety of additives. And a knowledgeable operators and HDD company knows which additives are good for soil and the process.

Pipe Pullback In Horizontal Directional Drilling –
It is the last but considerably important state of HDD. In this step, the pipe pullback from pre-reamed hole is being targeted. For this purpose, a reamer and drill rod is being attached to the swivel used between the reamer and product line to avoid any kind of stress from rotating drill line gets shifted to product pipe. Then the product pipe gets pulled in to the hole and fluid gets pumped down to the hole where the product pipe gets lubrication.


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